One may need to, in some cases, carry a large amount of cash with them on a plane. Carrying around a large amount of money can be risky as one may be targeted by criminals. Traveling through airport scanners with a large sum of money may also raise some questions from airport security officials.
Although airport scanners are not explicitly designed to detect cash, backscatter x-ray scanners can detect even a single dollar bill. Still, higher densities of notes are easier to see. When a large enough sum of money is detected, the TSA will alert local law enforcement to investigate the case.
How Can Airport Scanners Detect Cash?
Although x-ray scanners can detect even the most minute amounts of metal or paper, cash is more easily spotted on the scanners when stacked in dense bundles.
Airport scanners can detect anything concealed under layers of clothes, including cash, as they detect anything that does not form part of one’s physical anatomy.
Which Airport Scanners Can Detect Cash?
A few types of scanners are used in airports to help identify potential threats to flights and passengers. The main types of airport scanners include full-body scanners, backscatter x-ray scanners, and metal detectors.
However, new types of scanners are being developed and implemented, including CAT scanners, which can detect fake identification documents.
Can A Full-Body Scanner Detect Cash?
A full-body scanner uses millimeter wave technology to create an image of one’s body that can detect anything one is concealing underneath any layers of clothing. In addition, the full-body scanner emits waves that detect anything on a person that is not part of their physical anatomy.
Therefore, a full-body scanner can detect cash on an individual. It shouldn’t be an issue for a person to carry some money with them through the scanner, as officials are looking for things that may threaten others, such as weapons and even concealed narcotics.
Can A Backscatter X-Ray Scanner Detect Cash?
A backscatter x-ray scanner uses x-rays that pass through one’s luggage to determine the density and mass of the items inside. The x-ray scanner can easily detect even the tiniest amounts of metal and paper, including cash.
However, cash is easier to detect when stacked or bundled together in more significant amounts. That’s why money carried in bundles will be far easier for an x-ray scanner to see than a single note.
Can A Metal Detector Detect Cash?
Metal detectors cannot outright detect cash. However, since the ink on cash bills contains metal particles, it can detect cash. Researchers conducted a study at the University of Washington in Seattle, where they discovered that metal detectors can detect the metal in the ink of a $1 bill from less than two inches away.
Metal detectors detect all currency in the form of coins. This is why it’s required for one to remove all items from their pockets, including their wallet, when passing through a metal detector.
However, one is not likely to set off a metal detector from carrying cash with them, as metal detectors are used to detect metallic objects which can be used as weapons or may endanger other passengers.
Is It Legal To Fly With A Large Sum Of Cash?
Carrying a large sum of money with one on a domestic flight is not illegal in America, and there is no limit on how much cash an individual can take with them. However, if one carries more than $10 000 on them, one should declare the amount.
Should airport scanners detect a large sum of cash within one’s luggage, the most likely scenario is that they will first be asked to account for the money. Then they may be subjected to a search of their belongings to investigate the large amount of cash they have on them.
It is important to note that should one be carrying a large sum of cash with them on a domestic flight, even if the amount exceeds $10 000, one has the right to refuse to be searched and will still be able to take their cash with them on their flight.
Should one still be hassled or have their money wrongfully seized by authorities without their consent, they have the right to take legal action against the authorities for violating their rights.
What Happens If Airport Scanners Detect A Large Sum Of Cash?
Often, airport security will not make a scene should someone be carrying a large sum of cash with them. However, if they find the person suspicious, they will likely still let the person through the scanner checkpoint.
After allowing the individual through the checkpoint, the TSA screener will describe the person to local law enforcement authorities further on in the airport to keep a lookout for a suspicious person carrying a large sum of cash.
Once local law enforcement officials locate the suspicious person, they will be taken aside to be questioned by the officials. Should they fail to account for the money, or should officials be wary that it may be linked to any criminal activity, it will be confiscated by law enforcement.
After the money is confiscated, the individual may be detained and fined, and the case will be further investigated by authorities. However, should the money one carries be accounted for and not be liked to any malicious or criminal activities, one should be allowed to take cash on their flight without further complications.
Can The TSA Confiscate Cash?
Should one be stopped for having a large amount of cash at the airport, the TSA is not permitted to confiscate the money from the owner.
TSA screeners are not allowed to confiscate cash, as their job is to look for dangerous goods or items that may pose a threat to the plane or its passengers. Money does not pose a threat and is therefore not allowed to be confiscated.
The TSA themselves do not have the authority to arrest an individual; however, they have the right to refer an individual to local law enforcement authorities should they be suspicious of the individual.
In cases where an individual is carrying over $10,000 in cash, the TSA may be able to try and seize one’s money with help from local law enforcement because of civil asset forfeiture.
What To Do When Flying With A Large Amount Of Cash
When one needs to fly with a large sum of cash on their person, it is best to declare the money at the airport from which they are flying to avoid airport security being suspicious of them.
This is because large quantities of cash can be related to drug deals and criminal activities. Therefore, airport security may find it suspicious when one is carrying a large amount of money with them.
When flying with a large amount of cash, it is also best to request a private screening so that one can have privacy when their luggage is being searched.
Carrying large amounts of cash with one in an airport can result in one becoming a target for criminals and thieves, so it is best to be screened privately to keep the contents of one’s luggage hidden from the public should one be carrying cash.