Sewing needles are needed for many things, including fixing a button on your shirt, or using them in cross stitching to keep you entertained, which is why many people what to take them with you on a flight, but can you bring sewing needles on a plane safely?
According to the TSA, you are allowed to bring your sewing needles onto a plane in both your check-in and carry-on luggage. You will need to pack your sewing needles securely in your luggage to ensure the safety of the airport officials that will handle your luggage at the airport and in flight.
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Can You Take Your Sewing Needles On A Plane?
Many people travel by plane daily, either for business or to go on a lovely vacation with their family and friends to beautiful destinations worldwide. Packing your bags for the journey can bring up a great sense of excitement for the unknown adventures that are yet to come your way.
However, depending on where you are going, the flight ahead of you might be long, which can be boring for most people. With these flights, it’s vital that you take something with you to keep you entertained for the duration of the flight.
Many people bring some kind of electronic with them to pass the time, but others prefer to take their craft on board. For some people, this craft could be cross-stitch or something else that uses sewing needles.
Perhaps you are a person who wants to be prepared for anything, and you want to take a sewing kit with you in case your top loses a button or needs a patch. Whether you are being prepared or have a sewing craft, you might wonder if sewing needles can be brought on a plane.
So, can you take your sewing needles on the plane with you without trouble? According to the TSA, you can take your sewing needles on the plane in your check-in and carry-on luggage.
However, it is imperative to remember that different airports can set their own regulations regarding what they will allow through their security checks and onto the plane. So, if you are worried, contact the airline or the airport and ask them about their particular regulations around sewing needles.
Can You Sew On A Plane?
So, you are allowed to take your sewing needles on the plane with you for most flights, but can you use them on the flight, or are they considered a hazard to you and the people around you while the plane is in flight?
If you are cross-stitching or fixing an item of clothing with your sewing needles, you are free to use them whenever you want while the plane is in flight, as long as it is safe.
For example, if the safety belt sign is on due to the plane flying through turbulence, you should put the sharp needles away for your safety and those around you. However, when the seatbelt sign is off, you are free to bring out your needles and do what you need to do with them.
Can You Bring All Types Of Sewing Needles On A Plane?
Anyone who works with sewing needles regularly knows that they come in all shapes and sizes, which can make you want if all of them are allowed on planes or only some. Well, let’s go through the type of sewing needles that you can easily take with you on your next flight.
Thankfully, all types and sizes of sewing needles can be taken onto the plane in your check-in and carry-on luggage, as long as they are packed correctly to ensure the safety of the people handling your luggage.
You might get stopped at security checks at certain airports if the security officers are overzealous and picky about the size of your needles, which can give you some trouble. However, in most cases, you will go through security without an issue.
How To Pack Your Sewing Needles For Air Travel?
When taking your sewing needles onto a plane, you need to ensure they are packed safely and securely in your luggage to ensure you avoid any problems with them with airport security.
There are two types of luggage you can take your sewing needles in for the flight; check-in and carry-on luggage; there are two ways of packing and securing the sewing needles correctly for the flight.
Let’s go through how you should pack and secure your sewing needles in your luggage, depending on the type of luggage you are packing the needles into.
Packing Sewing Needles In Check-in Luggage
If you want to take your sewing needles in your check-in luggage for the flight, you will need to take precautions to make sure your needles are secure and won’t harm the baggage handlers or the security officers that handle your luggage.
When packing your sewing needles in your check-in luggage, you need to purchase a sewing needle carrier that is secured tightly. This will ensure the needles stay straight on your trip and will keep them secured. Then place them in a small or plastic bag and then into your luggage.
This is also important to help protect your sewing needles during the flight and to ensure your needles don’t fall out into your luggage, which can harm you when you reach into it later.
Packing Sewing Needles In Hand Luggage
When you are taking your sewing needles onto the plane in your carry-on luggage, you still need to pack them carefully to ensure you and the security officers are safe when handling your carry-on.
To safely pack your sewing needles in your carry-on luggage, you need to purchase a pincushion and stick your sewing needles into it to keep them secure. This will also help keep your sewing needles together and straight.
Once they are in the pincushion, you need to place the pincushion into a small bag or plastic bag. This way, if a few needles fall out of the pincushion, they will still be kept in one place. You can then place this small nag into your carry-on luggage.
Can You Take Sewing Needles On International Flights?
Taking sewing needles on an international flight is generally allowed and should not cause any problems. However, different countries and airports might have different regulations regarding how the needles need to be packed and where they need to be packed.
So, if you are flying internationally, contact your airline or the airport you will be arriving at and ask them about their regulations around sewing needles before you pack them.